Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Take Back America

There are two ways Americans have power in our country; one is by voting, which we should all do, the second way, as I see it, is to buy only products made in the USA. How you spend your dollars speaks almost as loud as your vote! Buying American made products would bring about a revolution that would bring jobs back and bolster the economy. It’s really simple to do, each time you buy something, anything, even at the dollar stores, make sure it’s made in America! Look at all the products you buy even in the grocery store. If it’s a foreign made product, find a similar product made here. It may cost a bit more, but if we all do this, it would send a powerful message. Americans sometimes feel they have no power, but what we all need to realize is we have the ultimate power and that is how and what we spend our hard earned money on!  Think local, think green, think made in the USA!
Foldin' Money is an American Company and our products are made entirely in the USA! www.foldinmoney.com

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seattle News Icon passes

Kathi Goertzen, a Seattle native and an award winning, highly respected news anchor at KOMO 4 TV passed away.  She will be missed.  Read more about Kathi Goertzen

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summertime in Seattle is Fine!

Every city seems to have a special event during the summer and in Seattle its Seafair! Seafair always happens on the first weekend in August which this year was August 4th & 5th . Mother Nature must have received the memo too because she put on a great show too with temperatures from the high 80’s to the low 90’s! The Hydro races are always a big crowd pleaser during Seafair and the Oh Boy Oberto won again this year! These races are a blast to watch as the hydroplanes create giant rooster tails as they speed along the surface of the water! Not to be bested, the Blue Angels put on a spectacular show of their own. People from all over the Pacific NW and beyond come here just to see them perform their aerobatic death defying feats. For more information about Seafair in Seattle click this link http://www.seafair.com/ To find out more about the Blue Angels follow this link Blue Angels in Seattle!  www.foldinmoney.com