Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The New look of Foldin' Money

Wow this looks good!

we recently posted this video to our youtube chanel.

Foldin Money is a Moneygami product! These kits come with step by step folding instructions and templates. Design Kits use multiple bills of US currency to make designs such as cakes, flowers, hearts, hot air balloons, phones, planes, rockets, ships, shirts, stars, ties, and trees. Our web site is happy folding!

This was very exciting for us!

This is a clip form the local news station Q13 Fox! it was a lot of fun to do. This was very exciting for us! We really do believe that any one with a dream, who is willing to work hard, learn from mistakes and rise quickly from the set backs can build a great business. Here is the video and you can see that I really do have problems with talking. Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Great Idea

I received one of the most interesting comments from a customer recently. She travels during the holidays to visit her family. She was really dreading the annual hassle of getting her gifts on the plane without them being damaged or lost, not to mention the extra money it would cost her if they were shipped separately. Now that she has discovered Foldin’ Money, she simply cuts out the design templates at home, packs the double stick tape, cash, decorations and cards all neatly inside her carry on bag! During the flight she puts the designs together, decorates them and puts them in their respective Christmas cards! This not only helps to pass the time but it also starts up some really fun conversations! What a great idea!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Moneygami to the rescue

My cousin called me, perplexed as to what to give her nephew for gradation from the police academy. She was thrilled with the solution to her dilemma, a Moneygami money shirt kit with the congratulations card! She decked it out with stickers and gems!
Needless to say, Officer Toby was ecstatic when he opened his card and this gorgeous shirt was tucked neatly inside the card!

Monday, July 20, 2009

NEW Packaging!!

If you haven’t visited the website lately, please take a gander at all the new packaging we have done! It looks so much more fun and colorful! Did you know that the Design and Card Kit lines now have Holiday cards paired with them? That makes it so much more convenient for all your holiday gifts. Just imagine their reaction when they open the card and discover your thoughtfully designed and decorated cash gift inside. Talk about classy!!!

Guess who’s going to be on TV?

You guessed right! Yours truly will be featured on a segment on the local TV news! It was so exciting to be interviewed by a television reporter. I am so eager to see it when it airs! There was a bit of preparation beforehand thinking of what to say and how to best say it to get the most out of the short time we had. As many of you know, I am a stroke survivor and I have difficulty speaking clearly. Being interviewed on camera was fairly nerve wracking for me; however, it came off without a hitch due to preparation and the reporter also greatly helped me feel comfortable with the whole experience. Those TV folks really know what they are doing! Look for my star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! LOL

Friday, July 10, 2009

American Made- Women Owned

In my last blog, I spoke of the birthday celebration of our great nation! That leads me into the very foundation of my company. Our company is in not only based in America, but all the products are made in the good ole’ USA as well. America is a place where a woman with a distinct disability can actually form a company and be successful! What a great place to live and thrive. In addition, this company is owned and run by women. That is not something that happens all over the world. Cherish the freedom and thank all veterans for the privilege.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday America!!

I love this country! Sure, it has problems, but the freedom we have is great! Freedom to start your own small business, freedom to follow your dreams! We can all help stimulate the economy by spending money with the small businesses and local farmers that are the backbone of this great land. Take some time and search for smaller businesses that offer that personal touch, many of them are on the internet, so do your part and help them out. In the end, it helps us all!!