Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Next Chapter in The Foldin Money Story

Its been a while since I have written due to producing and marketing my new kits. I have released three designs which include the Star, Cake, and Shirt designs as do-it-yourself kits. This was a huge undertaking which included writing directions, building templates, and packaging. My sister and I worked hard writing the directions to make them as simple as possible while keeping the image professional and affordable. Then came finding printers, packing materials, shipping costs, UPC codes, and the list goes on.

The hardest part was choosing an online retailer and in the end we chose Amazon.com because of its fulfillment program and customer service. This was not as simple as one would think and there were more then a few issues to deal with, but they have been resolved. The interesting part in all this for me was, you start out with one product and during the course of going into business to market the product, you learn that the thing you start out marketing is not always what you end up with!