Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tribute to My Two Dads!

I had a wonderful father while I was growing up. At Christmas time, he would paint the windows with holiday designs, all freehand! All through the year, at holiday times where gift giving was involved, my sister and I would wake up and find a riddle on our pillows. These were actually clues we needed to decipher and follow in order to find our presents. They were always corny, but ever so wonderful. That I believe is where I got the creative gene for my artistic endeavors! (It should also be noted here, that my mother taught me to be creative in a host of other ways, thrifty, silly and loving.) I wish now I had hung on to all those little slips of paper so I could have saved them in a family scrapbook. The world lost a beautiful soul when he passed away in 1975. I forever miss and love him.

However, God does work in wonderful ways and some time after my father’s passing my mother met an absolutely beautiful man. Hal was the most terrific step parent anyone would have a right to ask for. He was a funny, creative, giving, and well educated man. He had a thirst for knowledge and a love of life I always admired. Nothing stopped him. If he started a project and it didn’t go as he had planned, he always found a way to make it work! When the house needed painting, instead of hiring it done, which he could have easily done, he found black paint and white paint on sale. He mixed them up and to everyone’s surprise it was a beautiful silver color. When people asked what color the house was, he would say “It’s Seattle Silver”. I often wonder how many people marched down to local paint store demanding Seattle Silver! I will also love and miss him forever! So if you still have your Dad, love him everyday you can!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Starting Your Own Business

It is an adventure, but it’s much more than that! Think of how many other businesses (large and small) your business will impact. For instance, as with my company, hiring a company to do computer maintenance, an extremely than vital function. So, you hire another business to perform that service for your company. Then there are the taxes, while the day-to-day bookkeeping is handled in-house who has time, or the desire, to keep up on all the tax laws? So you hire a CPA to handle that aspect of your business. There you are, you are already moving the economy along! Did someone say “stimulus”?
Meanwhile the companies that you hired to help your business grow, hire other business to help their business grow and so forth and so on. You know the saying “It takes a village”? The same thing is true in launching, growing and sustaining a business

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Best Gift for Father's Day

Don’t know what to get Dad a Father’s Day gift? It’s coming up fast, but there is still time to go to our website and order your Shirt or Tie Design Kit and create a one of a kind handmade Father's Day gift. You make it, he spends it on whatever he wants! It’s fun, fast and easy to do and it will make this Father’s Day memorable!! Our catalog is on line now, so go to and order your kit NOW!!