Monday, December 21, 2009

Another Way Foldin’ Money Saves You $$$$

When shopping online, you find the gift you want, then they add shipping and you end up spending half the price of the gift just on SHIPPING alone! UGH!!

Foldin' Money gifts are flat and most fit inside a regular 5x 7 greeting card! To send it costs less than $1.00 !! That sure beats $10.95!! Think about that the next time you are shopping online and the shipping fees bust your budget!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who would spend a $300 origami piece?

I came across this article on the web yesterday, here’s the quote “In moneygami flower three or one dollar bills is used. You can also make origami flower by use three hundred dollar bills. It is expensive origami piece. “
This started me thinking what’s the point of giving money that is not spendable? That is just what Foldin’ Money is NOT! This is why we designed Foldin’ Money to be a
gift that you make, fun to give and is spendable!  Let me know what you think!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Giving cash is not tacky any more!

Top 5 reasons to give cash as a gift:
Money is universal everyone needs more of it (not stuff)
Money does not expire or perish (gift cards or food)
Money is useful and un-limiting they can buy what they want or need
Money as a gift is more memorable then you’d think
Money is a no hassle, no worries idea because it cross culture, non religious, and all inclusive.
Some people would say money as a gift is tacky or not classy; this is not on trial today. There are many great solutions for giving cash in a personal way. My favorite is when you pair cash with a Foldin’ Money Design Kit you will see how personal giving cash really can be. These designs can be decorated to suite any occasion; they ship flat, and are absolutely unforgettable.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ban Black Friday from your life!!

If you are like me, NOT a fan of crowds, why put yourself in the position of being part of the mob? You just know you won’t find the right item for everyone on your list, your feet will be tired and sore and you will be exhausted! Just order Foldin’ Money kits, go to the bank, get some cash and stop for a nice bottle of wine. Then go home, pour yourself some wine, sit back and make your gifts with the cash and kits. Then you can decorate the finished designs however you want them. Everyone will love these gifts and USE them. After everything is unwrapped, there will be no hassles with returns, I’ve never had one returned to me yet!!

See what this savvy shopper had to say!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stretch Your Holiday Dollars Further

Just in time for the Holidays, Foldin’ Money has added extra templates to their shopping cart. Extra templates are available for any kits you already have or planning to order. After all, the directions can be used over and over again so all you need is additional templates! You can put together several duplicate designs at a time and then let your creative side show as you decorate them! Think of the joy of having No packages to cart around, No cold weather to fight, No chance of picking up a nasty flu bug from other shoppers!! Leaves you more time to enjoy the festivities of the season, baking, decorating, wine tasting. Oh, maybe wine tasting is just on my enjoyment list! Peace!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Videos out!

Hi all,
I just posted some new videos for you to see some ideas of how to use Foldin' Money.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why giving cash is better than gift cards

I recently come across this article which points out the reasons giving cash is a better alternative to gifts cards for any occasion! Foldin' Money designs are spendable anywhere, they ship flat to your friends and family and now we offer free shipping to your door! That's right, all web orders are shipped free to you!

Here's the link to the article!

Happy Shopping!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Crafter Hint!

Being a crafter myself, I enjoy watching other people create in different mediums. Today while watch Donna Dewberry, the creator of One Stoke Painting, on my local PBS station she said something that I thought I should pass along to all my readers.

She said, "Don't go for perfect, go for the effect!" So that's my hint for all of you who are buying my Foldin' Money Design Kits. Just because your creation may not look exactly like mine, it's the effect you are after! They are not supposed to look the same, just close to the same shape, and once you decorate it, the recipient of your wonderful, thoughtful gift is going to be VERY impressed! I think I've made over 100 different designs and none of them looked alike, but that’s the beauty of handmade! Go for it, enjoy the process and give with all your heart! Example shown is a haunted house made of cash instead of candy!! Cute, huh?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

But who needs more stuff?

If you go to this link, it will tell you the homemade gifts are the best, and they truly are, we agree. However, don't most of us have enough stuff? Gidgets and gadgets are fine, but I think most of us could use more Foldin' Money, don't you? I know this is a little commerical on my part, but I do believe in my product and feel the world would be a better place if more money was spread around! With Foldin' Money design kits, the gift is homemade, but you can use it right away, not store it away in a closet and only pull it out when Aunt Millie comes to visit! Anyway, try Foldin' Money for all your gift giving this holiday and see if it doesn't make your holiday season a little less hectic and a whole lot more fun!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Monthly Newsletter

I always enjoy newletters full of fun facts, new items and special discounts. So I decided I'd start my own! It's fun creating and gathering information to send to all my fans! If you are not on our newletters email list, go the website, and sign up! We even have a word search puzzle!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Drop Dead Diva

Being a Big, Beautiful Woman myself, it is so refreshing to see plus size women portrayed is such a positive light. I was afraid they would portray her as someone with no brains and just stuffing her face all the time, thinking of nothing but food or immediately put her on some stupid, crazy diet. I’m thrilled to see they aren’t doing that! However, the “love” interest in the story doesn’t speak well of men in general. The fact that her “former lover” is too shallow to see beyond outward appearances is sad for him (the character, of course) If I were a man, I’d complain!! After all, loving a plus size woman means there’s more of us to love!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Foldin’ Money is Recruiting!

Interviewing and always looking for Sales Reps all over the USA. If you have sales experience with the following industries: gift shops, retail, wholesale, tourism, gambling, greeting card, government, eco-friendly or green, merchandise, bookstores, amusement, drug stores, private labeling, boutiques, grocery, fund raisers, department stores, paper products and the catalog industries. We need your resume sent to with your ideas of how to market our unique product. Foldin’ Money is the latest gift giving craze to hit the market place! It’s a moneygami kit (including templates and directions, just add cash) that enables the customer to create a fun and personal gifts of cash. The bottom line is its Spendable Origami!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grandparents Day September 13th

Did you know that we have Grandparent’s Day? What a wonderful way to thank them for all the knowledge and wisdom they have imparted to this generation. Now, what to give to someone who is difficult to buy for? Extra cash is always appreciated, but to do it in a personal, memorable way takes a Foldin’ Money Origami Kit!! There are plenty of designs to choose from and you decide how much money to use to build them.

Once you give your perfect gift, remember to remind them to unfold it and SPEND it, it’s like two gifts in one!! Pictured are a decorated shirt and a decorated tie!

Friday, August 14, 2009

We're in Taylor Gifts Catalog!

Hey everybody, Foldin' Money is in Taylor Gifts catalog! This is great news for us and for our fans! Now everybody can have access to our unique and creative designs!!

Click here and give us a review

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Spendable Origami Cake Video

When you can't "Talk" have others Do it for you. Enjoy my latest video.

We at Foldin Money are getting better at these videos all the time!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Have you ever purchased a product on QVC and wondered how that product got there? I know I did. Before I became a manufacturer of my unique Money-gami craft gift kits, it was a mystery to me. It still is, but the key is to find the right person to guide your product through all the channels. That search has taken at least a year. We are hopeful that we have found that person and we will appear on the great Shopping channel one day soon, stay tuned!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The New look of Foldin' Money

Wow this looks good!

we recently posted this video to our youtube chanel.

Foldin Money is a Moneygami product! These kits come with step by step folding instructions and templates. Design Kits use multiple bills of US currency to make designs such as cakes, flowers, hearts, hot air balloons, phones, planes, rockets, ships, shirts, stars, ties, and trees. Our web site is happy folding!

This was very exciting for us!

This is a clip form the local news station Q13 Fox! it was a lot of fun to do. This was very exciting for us! We really do believe that any one with a dream, who is willing to work hard, learn from mistakes and rise quickly from the set backs can build a great business. Here is the video and you can see that I really do have problems with talking. Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Great Idea

I received one of the most interesting comments from a customer recently. She travels during the holidays to visit her family. She was really dreading the annual hassle of getting her gifts on the plane without them being damaged or lost, not to mention the extra money it would cost her if they were shipped separately. Now that she has discovered Foldin’ Money, she simply cuts out the design templates at home, packs the double stick tape, cash, decorations and cards all neatly inside her carry on bag! During the flight she puts the designs together, decorates them and puts them in their respective Christmas cards! This not only helps to pass the time but it also starts up some really fun conversations! What a great idea!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Moneygami to the rescue

My cousin called me, perplexed as to what to give her nephew for gradation from the police academy. She was thrilled with the solution to her dilemma, a Moneygami money shirt kit with the congratulations card! She decked it out with stickers and gems!
Needless to say, Officer Toby was ecstatic when he opened his card and this gorgeous shirt was tucked neatly inside the card!

Monday, July 20, 2009

NEW Packaging!!

If you haven’t visited the website lately, please take a gander at all the new packaging we have done! It looks so much more fun and colorful! Did you know that the Design and Card Kit lines now have Holiday cards paired with them? That makes it so much more convenient for all your holiday gifts. Just imagine their reaction when they open the card and discover your thoughtfully designed and decorated cash gift inside. Talk about classy!!!

Guess who’s going to be on TV?

You guessed right! Yours truly will be featured on a segment on the local TV news! It was so exciting to be interviewed by a television reporter. I am so eager to see it when it airs! There was a bit of preparation beforehand thinking of what to say and how to best say it to get the most out of the short time we had. As many of you know, I am a stroke survivor and I have difficulty speaking clearly. Being interviewed on camera was fairly nerve wracking for me; however, it came off without a hitch due to preparation and the reporter also greatly helped me feel comfortable with the whole experience. Those TV folks really know what they are doing! Look for my star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! LOL

Friday, July 10, 2009

American Made- Women Owned

In my last blog, I spoke of the birthday celebration of our great nation! That leads me into the very foundation of my company. Our company is in not only based in America, but all the products are made in the good ole’ USA as well. America is a place where a woman with a distinct disability can actually form a company and be successful! What a great place to live and thrive. In addition, this company is owned and run by women. That is not something that happens all over the world. Cherish the freedom and thank all veterans for the privilege.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday America!!

I love this country! Sure, it has problems, but the freedom we have is great! Freedom to start your own small business, freedom to follow your dreams! We can all help stimulate the economy by spending money with the small businesses and local farmers that are the backbone of this great land. Take some time and search for smaller businesses that offer that personal touch, many of them are on the internet, so do your part and help them out. In the end, it helps us all!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tribute to My Two Dads!

I had a wonderful father while I was growing up. At Christmas time, he would paint the windows with holiday designs, all freehand! All through the year, at holiday times where gift giving was involved, my sister and I would wake up and find a riddle on our pillows. These were actually clues we needed to decipher and follow in order to find our presents. They were always corny, but ever so wonderful. That I believe is where I got the creative gene for my artistic endeavors! (It should also be noted here, that my mother taught me to be creative in a host of other ways, thrifty, silly and loving.) I wish now I had hung on to all those little slips of paper so I could have saved them in a family scrapbook. The world lost a beautiful soul when he passed away in 1975. I forever miss and love him.

However, God does work in wonderful ways and some time after my father’s passing my mother met an absolutely beautiful man. Hal was the most terrific step parent anyone would have a right to ask for. He was a funny, creative, giving, and well educated man. He had a thirst for knowledge and a love of life I always admired. Nothing stopped him. If he started a project and it didn’t go as he had planned, he always found a way to make it work! When the house needed painting, instead of hiring it done, which he could have easily done, he found black paint and white paint on sale. He mixed them up and to everyone’s surprise it was a beautiful silver color. When people asked what color the house was, he would say “It’s Seattle Silver”. I often wonder how many people marched down to local paint store demanding Seattle Silver! I will also love and miss him forever! So if you still have your Dad, love him everyday you can!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Starting Your Own Business

It is an adventure, but it’s much more than that! Think of how many other businesses (large and small) your business will impact. For instance, as with my company, hiring a company to do computer maintenance, an extremely than vital function. So, you hire another business to perform that service for your company. Then there are the taxes, while the day-to-day bookkeeping is handled in-house who has time, or the desire, to keep up on all the tax laws? So you hire a CPA to handle that aspect of your business. There you are, you are already moving the economy along! Did someone say “stimulus”?
Meanwhile the companies that you hired to help your business grow, hire other business to help their business grow and so forth and so on. You know the saying “It takes a village”? The same thing is true in launching, growing and sustaining a business

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Best Gift for Father's Day

Don’t know what to get Dad a Father’s Day gift? It’s coming up fast, but there is still time to go to our website and order your Shirt or Tie Design Kit and create a one of a kind handmade Father's Day gift. You make it, he spends it on whatever he wants! It’s fun, fast and easy to do and it will make this Father’s Day memorable!! Our catalog is on line now, so go to and order your kit NOW!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Have a Graduate in your future?

Graduation is a wonderful time for students, friends and parents alike. Until it comes to what to give the grad as a gift! In these economic times, giving a gift needs to be useful and when you can make it fun too, that’s a bonus!! Money seems to be the answer, but how do you turn cash into fun, exciting gift? Using a Foldin’ Money Gift and Card is the answer! Visit our website to see the great cards that we have paired with our wonderful designs!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is the difference?

Recently, while hosting a booth at a local craft fair, I realized that people are confused between Origami and Moneygami! When asking folks if they had heard of Foldin’ Money, some of the answers were “Yes, I saw a book about how to do it at a store” or “My friend does that and made me a ring”, etc. So I thought I’d blog to explain what the differences are.

Origami is an ancient art, time consuming to do and a long time to master. Generally, origami made of cash uses just ONE bill and it not made with the idea of giving it as a gift to be unfolded and spent.

Moneygami is what we termed for our folding money designs. Each design is made up of multiple bills, from 3 bills up to 7 bills. Anyone can make one just by following the instructions in our kits! These are MADE to be taken apart and spent! That’s the whole fun idea; making something beautiful, giving it as a gift to be admired, and then the recipient gets the added fun of taking it apart to spend. Not only is the gift recyclable, it is your very own handmade stimulus package!!!

So giving cash is no longer boring or unimaginative! Try it, you’ll like it!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Remember Mom!

Remember when you were a kid and handmade something as a Mother’s Day gift and how Mom cherished it? This Mother’s Day you can re-create that experience with one of our brand new Gift and Card Kits that were created with Mother in mind! To order any of these sets, email us at

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Opening in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV, March, 19, 2009, ASD March. This is North America’s largest, most comprehensive merchandise trade show including gifts, jewelry, and electronics. The show attracted over 45,000 buyers. One of the more exciting vendors is Foldin’ Money which is a gift product that uses multiple bills of U.S. currency and folds them into various designs (not to be confused with an origami product) such as Christmas Trees, Planes, Flowers, and other fun and exciting designs. These Gifts Designs are available with a greeting card or with out and should include Foldin’ Money Accents the best way to decorate and customize your gift. Foldin’ Money had several meetings with big box merchants and was a “WOW” gift product for all observers. Foldin’ Money has turned cash giving into a thoughtful and memorable experience and during this economic climate, cash is appreciated more then ever before.
Foldin’ Money has opportunities currently available for additional retail partnerships across the USA. For more information on Foldin’ Money products visit their website or for sales opportunities contact

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thoughtfully yours

Through the years cash has always been viewed as a practical gift but a bit boring and not very thoughtful. Foldin’ Money Design Kits are a wonderful way to turn that old fashioned idea around so that your gift of cash is not only seen as extremely thoughtful, but timely as well!

Giving the gift of cash using a Foldin’ Money Design Kit shows that you cared because you put thought into choosing a design and creating a gift just for that person! And since no one can ever have enough Foldin’ Money, it is a gift that will be greatly appreciated every time you give it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trade Show Mania

I have missed blogging for a few weeks because we have been insanely busy getting Foldin’ Money ready for the International Trade Show that starts on March 15th in Las Vegas!!!! YIPPEE!!

The logistics for getting everything ready and shipped can be overwhelming if you don’t have great help like we do. Wes Wood, our Business Consultant, has been invaluable to us. Our sales reps, suppliers, and staff have been working very hard, and now it’s finally on the road! A BIG thanks to everyone who supported us!!

The calendar reminds us it’s almost Easter, and you want to give your kids or grandkids something special, but maybe they are too old for the traditional Easter basket. Visit our web site because we have NEW, NEW Kits available that now include a rocket, plane, flower, house and many more!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Foldin' Money's stimulus package

Foldin’ Money’s stimulus package. The whole nation is suffering and in order to be part of the solution, we have lowered the prices on our Foldin’ Money Cash giving design kits for now. We realize how difficult things are and being able to give our customers a better deal at this time is a good thing. This way you can still be able to continue giving gifts from the heart, but not impact your pocket book quite as much!

Remember, Valentine’s Day is only a heart beat away, so order your design kits NOW for speedy delivery! Peace, love and happiness!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something new to give

Valentine’s Day!

Talking to all of you gals out there who what to give your sweetheart something different for Valentine’s Day. However, you can’t get tickets to the big play off game; candy and roses don’t seem to do IT for your guy, how about a little spending cash presented in a very unique way?

Same goes for the guys, maybe your honey does not care for the traditional Valentine’s Day gifts. That’s the beauty of Foldin’ Money, guys can make them too, and what gal doesn’t love a little extra spending cash? When she sees the cash folded and decorated by you, she will MELT!! Knowing that it came from you with so much thought and love will win you a bigger place in her heart!!

So go for it, be BOLD, be DARING, use this link to order the shirt kit from Amazon. The kit makes two shirt designs, so who else could you endear yourself to?? Mom, maybe??

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Decorating tips and tidbits

Thanks to all of you who have purchased the Foldin’ Money Kits either from Amazon, my website or at the classes. Decorating your design is the best part; at least it is for me! How many of you have little bits of this or that left over after you finished an arts and crafts project? You go to one of those big box stores to buy stickers or ribbons and while you only need two to complete your project; they only sell them in sheets of 6! So you have a stash of little sparkly things, stickers and ribbons. What do you do with them?? Decorate your Foldin’ Money Designs with them! Then you can tell your spouse, “See, that’s why I held on to those!” Little hint, go to the little scrapbooking shops, they have much more variety then any of the big “Craft” stores!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wanted: Retail Partners!

Foldin’ Money is looking for retail partners to stock and sell our Foldin’ Money craft kits which are fast becoming the next big wave in gift giving trends. Remember the pet rock? If you were given one of those, did you spend it anywhere? I think not, but the kits to do make real spendable gifts! They are so unique, thoughtful and because no one decorates them the same, they are special. I don’t know you, but in these tough economic times, money is the ideal gift and this is the coolest way to gift the gift of cash!

But you ask, where can I find these wonderful kits? For now, on, but we are looking for some retail partners to help spread the word and cross promote businesses, so if you are a retailer that is interested or know someone who might be, we’d love to talk to you!

Are you a retailer like one of these?

Let's talk!