Sorry for the delay in writing I have been busy; of course Folding Money “it’s what I do”. My sister and I have been getting lots of requests to learn how to make our Foldin Money designs well I have decided to launch some classes. I will be teaching the Star and Cake designs. The fist upcoming class will be hosted by Joann Fabric located at 5824 196th STREET SW Lynnwood Washington on October the 9th at 6:00PM. The class will teach participants how to make the Foldin Money Cake and Star designs. Cost of the class is $25.00 per person, which includes a supply list and instructions to make more of these unique spendable art designs. I am excited to share my knowledge and love of these gifts.
Some of my highlight orders this month included a custom House Design looking like a Ski lodge, a 5 tier wedding cake and bulk orders of Movie Camera’s for a customer appreciation. I am back to the studio Foldin Money let me know what you think.
Sue the Money Artist.

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