Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When and what is the right amount to give as gifts?

So I think it’s the when that matters in the first place. So there is the basic holidays the 12 federal ones anyway! But there is also the important ones of Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversary’s, Retirements, New Babies, and Graduations. This is really the fun part of my art because people really help with designing the perfect gift. We have lots of customizable features to add to our Foldin Money Product.

The how much question is not hard I use the SUE System which is anything unrelated to a wedding or anniversary can use the $25.00 amount, because who does not like cash and when it comes from Foldin Money you’re giving it with class. However if it is a wedding or anniversary I say no less then $50.00 makes you look more like you care. But this is the world according to the SUE System!

So the real trick is being organized and remembering to prepare for the upcoming gift giving occasions and remember the Sue System I will be in the studio working on my of your orders. Hope that helps.


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