Mother’s Day is coming up soon and the question of what to get mom to show her she is appreciated is something I am frequently asked! I know everyone loves their mom, but she really doesn’t want anything more to dust or another set of fingertip towels. She hasn’t used the last three sets yet! So, what to give her to show her how much she means to you and how thankful you are to have her in your life?
Seems to me, mom would know best what she needs or wants. Besides, you may not have the same tastes. Giving her some spending money would be a great idea because it gives mom the freedom of choice! Now the question is, how to give cash in a personal way that doesn’t require any expertise or a huge investment in time and materials! That is exactly why I developed Foldin’ Money Kits! They are a unique and fun way to give a gift of cash with a touch of class and still stay within your budget!
Giving money and still looking cool doing it is what these kits are all about! They are easy to make and will be a big hit with mom! You will feel satisfaction in giving a handmade gift that is practical, useable and fun! The added beauty of this gift is that it easily unfolds so that mom can spend it any way she wishes! Your mom will love it and love you for being so creative and thoughtful. It’s a real memory maker and...she’ll never have to dust it!
You can find designs at www.foldinmoney.com, the door is always open!